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The SOMM Remembers
Military Vehicles
1943 F60S
1952 M37 CDN SOMM 5
1943 Willys MB SOMM 4
1953 M152 SOMM 6
1955 M43 SOMM 7
1985 Iltis - SOMM 9
1952 M211 -SOMM 10
Contact Us
Southern Ontario Military Muster 2014 Sponsorship Program Application
1390 Drouillard Road, Windsor, On N8Y 2R7
It is our pleasure to invite your organization to join us at our Fourth Annual Southern Ontario Military Muster. This will be the first under our new organization, affiliated now with the Ontario Historical Society as a Non-Profit organization. Charitable status is forth coming. This show is designed to bring together both young and old to experience Canada’s rich military heritage, and to honour the greatest generation ever.
Southern Ontario is steeped in military history; from the Indian Wars of the mid 1700s through the sieges around Amherstburg and Detroit during the War of 1812, to both World Wars, the UN action in Korea, and through to the present. It is our goal to educate the public of our rich military heritage and in doing so, to honour our Veterans. The public will witness period military vehicles both on display and in motion on
the grounds. There will possibly be WW II military flyover, along with re enactment groups depicting various eras with WW II being high-lighted. Come out and visit with our nation’s Veterans and serving members of our Armed Forces, witness a touch of military history up close and personal.
Please take a few moments to view our new website and you will quickly recognize the beginnings of an international event that will become one of the top highlights of summer activities in Southern Canada. By joining our team as a Private, Sergeant, Captain or Colonel Level Sponsor you will be bringing history to life.
• Individual sponsorships at the Private Level of a $100.00 - $299.00 donation will be recognized on our website (if you so choose) and you will receive a tax receipt.
• Individual sponsorships or Not-for-profit organizations at the Sergeant Level of a $300 - $499 on our website, in our brochures and newsletters and you will receive a tax receipt
• A business sponsorship at the Captain Level of a $500.00—$999.00 donation will provide your organization with joint billing in our advertising as well as a VIP Package and tax receipt
• A corporate sponsorship at the Colonel Level of a $1000.00 + donation will provide joint billing as a partner with your business recognized at all levels of media along with the VIP Package and of course a tax receipt.
Your generous donation will be used to directly offset the logistical expenses for this exceptional international event.
We hope that you will join us in bringing Canada’s rich military history to life and to honour a generation that gave so much and whose ranks are far too quickly thinning.
For more information feel free to contact either one of us at the below email or phone No.
Geoff Bottoms
Southern Ontario Military Muster
Not-For-Profit Organization
Linda Iler
SOMM would like to invite you to come out and visit our nation’s Veterans and serving men and women of our Armed Forces and witness a touch of military history, up close and personal. View our website, and you will quickly recognize the beginnings of an international event that will
become one of the top highlights of summer activities in Southern Canada. By joining our team as a Private, Sergeant, Captain or Colonel Level Sponsor you will be bringing history to life.
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Do you want Logo or Business Card on our website?
Sponsorship Levels:
Private Level of a $100.00 - $299 - Recognized on our website (if you choose) - *tax receipt
Captain Level of a $500.00 - $999 - Recognized on our website (if you choose) - brochures and newsletters - VIP Package (2 person Free Pass & 2 T-shirts) - *tax receipt
Sergeant Level of a $300.00 - $499 - Recognized on our website (if you choose) - brochures and newsletters - *tax receipt
Colonel Level of a $1000 - Rcognized on our website (if you choose) - brochures and newsletters - VIP Package (4 person Free Weekend Pass & 4 T-shirts) - *tax receipt
Your generous donation will be used to directly offset the logistical expenses for this exceptional international event. THANK YOU
**Please Note: Charitable application is in progress